May 12, 2024

We're Having a BABY!

About Me!

March 30th, 2024 . . .

We found out that I am five weeks pregnant! We are so thrilled! I got Gabe a book that he can read to our baby. We got our parents books, too, as an announcement. We couldn't wait, we told them that night!

Baby's Nickname . . .

Our baby's nickname is Peanut! When Gabe and I went out for our first Valentine's Day together, we went to Texas Roadhouse. I stuffed myself and said I had a "food baby". I explained to Gabe that a "food baby" is when you eat so much that it makes you look pregnant, lol. We joked for a bit, and I told him my "food baby's" name was Peanut (because they used to have those peanuts at Texas Roadhouse you could eat and throw). We continued to joke and said that if we got married, our first child's name would be Peanut . . . So here we are, starting our journey with Peanut!

Gabe's mom already bought some clothes, and this one is my FAV!

May 9th, 2024

We had our first ultrasound appointment. We found out that we were 10 weeks and 4 days along with Peanut (despite what it says on the ultrasound). I had to try so hard not to cry seeing Peanut for the first time, and hearing Peanut's heartbeat! Peanut is SO cute! I might be biased, but I think that Peanut's is the cutest ultrasound picture is the cutest I've ever seen!

Isn't Peanut SO CUTE?!

What this means for my photography . . .

I'm planning to continuing to schedule as normal. However, I will not be booking past the first week of November, and I will be taking time off through January of 2025 to spend time with Peanut and Gabe, and to try to stay rested!

I'm SO excited! I thank God everyday for this amazing blessing!